Don’t let your competitors beat you down just because you don’t have a website. Get your best freelance Web Designer Malaysia services today!
I’m working as a freelance web designer, freelance web developer / sub-con (mostly government’s project) in started in 2005, and starting 2010 i start to work under my own label which is sani.my Besides doing a Freelance, i also giving talk to student college as a visiting Lecture for Community College. I’m graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Master In Edu Tech in 2022)
Unlimited Support
All my client are entitle of unlimited support via email and Whatsapp related to their website
Free Training
I will provide free training via video tutorial so that client can update their own website.
Site Waranty
Each of website that I build entitle site warranty for 1 year. If case of anything happen.
Unlimited Support
All my client are entitle of unlimited support via email and Whatsapp related to their website
Free Training
I will provide free training via video tutorial so that client can update their own website.
Site Waranty
Each of website that I build entitle site warranty for 1 year. If case of anything happen.
How Do I Started As a Web Developer & Web Designer?
I start as a web designer as a hobby around 1997. I’ve created a few website using free platform such as geocities, anglefire and tripod.com for my school & clubs then after a couple of years, then it become into a serious hobby. I go through almost 10 years of learning process by myself. Test and successfully build almost all CMS and framework starting with nuke, mambo, Joomla 1.0, 1.5 , 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 2.0.x, 2.5.x, 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.2.x, 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 3.6.x untill the latest Joomla! 3.x, drupal, dolphin, wordpress, magento, opencart, LMS and thousand of component, module and plugin.
I started working as a freelance web designer, web developer subcon (mostly government’s project) back in 2005/2006. After a few years then i decide to work under my own label and later on register a domain under sani.my in 2010.
Since 2000, I offered web development and design to enormous client from different background and sector including Prof. Dr Nik Omar (FAHOM), Dr Hasmerya (UTM) dan Senator Maglin Dennis D’cruz, (ex-Minister of Communications and Multimedia), Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir (ex Menteri Besar Perak) and others big names.
I also involved in building and maintenance Perak News Portal, Perbadanan Pembangunan Pertanian Negeri Perak (PPPNP), Badan Amal dan Usaha Isteri Negeri perak (BAIDURI) dan others.
Besides corporate and government website, I also help a small entrepreneur with a small budget to have their own website. For it doesn’t matter how small or big the project as long as I can help to projectile the business online, it makes me happy enough!
Most of my client website were build by using CMS (Content Management System). This CMS allows website administrators to add, edit and delete content at any time. With a CMS, my client able to put up new information about their company or latest offer make website more live rather than static info. I also will provide training for FREE to all my client on how to handle their own website. This will help them reduce the cost for content web maintenance.
Besides building my client website using most famous and stable CMS, I also make sure all website that I build is responsive, where the design respond o the device either mobile, tab / ipad or desktop view. And the most important things is, i also will make sure the website get a good ranking in Google. This is because no matter how beautiful your website but if your website not showing up in search engine, no ones will ever find your website.